You just couldn’t make it up.

by | Feb 20, 2010 | Just plain weird, UK Misery

The BBC brings news that Greater Manchester police have classified six separate snowball throwing incidents in the same category as murder and rape :

The Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has criticised some of his officers for recording snowball throwing as “serious violent crime”.

Peter Fahy said the officers concerned had failed to show any common sense.

During last month’s cold spell, six snowball-throwing incidents were logged as serious violent crimes, although no-one was injured or arrested.

The classification is more often given to offences such as murder, rape and causing grievous bodily harm.

I seem to read the excuse of “failed to show common sense” quite often in reports involving police, council health and Safety officials, PCSOs and other assorted public serving jobsworths. I suppose we shoudl thank out countries overbearing nanny statism and the removing of any brain function from general public servants.

Tick a box and move on is the order of the day!
