US Finances rapidly going down the pan.

by | May 12, 2010 | Economic Intrigue, Well I never.

From Zero Hedge, this post on the latest US financials for April :

Well, if nothing else, we now know officially just how great those tax receipts were. Good thing too – we can end that whole superficial tax receipt debate and focus on important things. April’s tax deficit of $83 billion was the highest April deficit on record. America is now more bankrupt than ever. Income was $245.3 billion, 8% below the total recorded last April. Spending was $328.0 billion, up 14% year-over-year. A year ago in April the deficit was $20.9 billion. And here is the data: tax receipts down 7.9% YoY, Individual Income Tax down 21.5% YoY, and more importantly, spending: Total spending up 14.2%, National defense up 17%, Medicare up 39.4%, Social Security up 4.2% and General Government up 5.6%. At least interest payments were down 9.5%.

Those numbers look like they are coming from some failing state run by raving socialists rather then the US and makes Gordon Brown and Labour look positively frugal!