Eco loons inciting violence against deniers.

by | Oct 1, 2010 | civil liberties, Environment, Just plain weird, Please fuck off., Politics, Righteous Wankers, UK Misery, Well I never.

Produced by (look them up yourself as I refuse to link to these tossers) and now exploding (no pun intended) all over the internet after they pulled the official copy, this idiotic piece of propaganda shows just how low the tree huggers will sink when they realise that no fucker is listening to them :

The Guardian has a puff piece about launch of the film, the comments section there turning into a damned good shit fest.

For more erudite considerations on the video see Mr Eugenides or Cranmer.

Anyway, as an antidote to that crap, have a little Derek and Clive although if you are easily offended then don’t watch! Cunt!



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