Cancun – higher taxes and more money pissed up the wall.

by | Dec 11, 2010 | Ban It, civil liberties, Economic Intrigue, Environment, Health, Just plain weird, Please fuck off., Politics, Righteous Wankers, Strange Thoughts, UK Misery, Well I never.

A Huhne Corporation globally warmed pensioner retirement village in Scotland earlier this week.

Fresh from The Telegraph, evidence that the green lunatics have consigned us all to sack cloth and ashes with yet more bribes money going to India and China to lubricate the deal :

For the first time all countries are committed to cutting carbon emissions under an official UN agreement. Rich nations also have to pay a total of £60 billion annually from 2020 into a “green fund” to help poor countries adapt to floods and droughts. The money will also help developing countries, including China and India, switch to renewable energy sources including wind and solar power.

That would be China and India with advanced space programs and military industries who are obviously too poor to pay their own way in the world?

Does this mean yet more taxes to pay for sacrifices to the great warming sky pixie?

You bet it does :

It is not yet decided how the funds will be raised, although preferred options are a new tax on aviation or shipping, or increased carbon taxes more generally.

That’s the 2% inflation target stuffed for a few more years then.

What about the existing UK target of a 34% cut in emissions by 2020 as drafted by The Crushing Fist and Milipede senior?

Well that will now be a 42% reduction in emissions by 2020 :

David Cameron, the Prime Minister, said the UN agreement would force governments to act. “The Cancun agreement is a very significant step forward in renewing the determination of the international community to tackle climate change through multilateral action,” he said.

The UK is already committed to taking the lead by cutting its emissions 34 per cent by 2020.

That target will increase to 42 per cent as soon as a legally binding global deal is achieved. Around £1.5 billion will be paid towards the green fund by Britain every year from 2020.

As well as another £1.5 billion in taxes to pay for the poor people plus fuck knows how much in costs for vast acres of bird mincers and pointless solar panels required here.

And finally, what do the tree huggers and Greenocidal maniacs think of this new deal?

Never happy and, of course, they won’t be until we are all either living in mud huts or dead :

However Wendel Trio of Greenpeace said the targets need to be a lot tougher to stop global warming. “Cancun may have saved the process but it did not yet save the climate,” he said.

Asad Rehman, Friends of the Earth International Climate Campaigner, also said the agreement was weak. But he was relieved that the process has not collapsed as expected.

“The world needed strong and determined action to tackle climate change in Cancun – the outcome is a weak and ineffective agreement but at least it gives us a small and fragile lifeline,” he said.

So, how long before we get to the point of legislation being passed to force people to install insulation? Not long at all I think as people will not take on “offers” like this one without some form of compulsion :

Earlier this week, Energy Secretary Chris Huhne outlined plans to improve the state of insulation in the UK’s housing stock, which is renowned for being one of the draughtiest in Europe.Under the provisions of the so-called ‘green deal’, from 2013 onwards property dwellers in the UK will be able to apply for a loan from their energy supplier to pay for the cost of insulating their homes. According to Mr Huhne, the revised Energy Bill would “make upgrading our nation’s draughty homes a no-brainer”.

And, without a very forceful incentive to do otherwise we were looking to miss the original 34% reduction anyway :

Britain looks set to miss a European renewable energy target and its goal of a 34 percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 as emissions decline more slowly, a report by Cambridge Econometrics said on Monday.

“The challenge now is to ensure that the 2020 targets are met by policies that can cause emissions to fall substantially in a context of economic growth,” said Paul Elkins, senior consultant at Cambridge Econometrics and the report’s co-author. The UK will meet its first two carbon budgets up to 2017 due to reduced industrial output from the economic downturn.

It may not meet its third budget (2018-2022) unless the new coalition government introduces firm policies to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency in sectors not covered by the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme, the report said.

I think we can all imagine how the big state, bansturbator, authoritarian bunch of shits are going to respond now that nudging and nannying are not working as they thought it would.

Unless, of course, that they are actually hoping that half the population freezes to death to save them the trouble. From Joe Bastardi’s weather blog :

When I said it’s been the second 1st-8th December on CET record, with records starting in 1659, that was wrong. Whilst monthly CET records do indeed begin in 1659, the daily data only begins in 1772.”

So it appears that we can only confirm this was the coldest since 1772. I am sure that will warm the cockles of all your hearts.

Still a pretty long time since this kind of cold… we can agree on that, eh? Hmmm… I wonder what the proxy tree rings say about all this.


I am hopeful (prayerful) that the coming cold wave that will follow what thaw there is in the northwest will have the populace prepared. While it is true I have had a little fun with those that don’t see eye-to-eye with me on the issue of AGW, the coming cold, in the wake of the stress that has already been put on the populace of the northwest part of Europe, is nothing to joke about.

The current cold will shift southeast for a while, before the re-establishment of the cold pool back where it was in the past two weeks. This will allow people to have a few days of milder weather in the U.K. and Ireland. Germany is liable to take the brunt of the whole thing, for while there are a few days of warming in the northwest, the cold shifting southeast centers over them, and when it reloads a bit farther west, it is over them.

While I realize it’s open for debate, the patterns that are developing are part of what I described would start to happen a few years ago when the combination of oceanic, solar and even seismic cycles (the last one being the biggest wild card) began to take effect. The coming years will tell who is right and who is wrong. The true shame here, though, is that people were brainwashed into thinking such things could not happen anymore, and it’s almost dastardly that the ones that did the brainwashing are now claiming it’s because they were right (we go from saying it won’t occur because of something, to it is occurring because of what was supposed to prevent it from occurring). In any case, it is my sincere hope that folks in the targeted area do not take this lightly. If I am overdone in some places, all the better. There will be a price to pay in hardship for this, and in studying the whole pattern that is in front of western and northern Europe for the next 15 days (the shot of cold into the south and east comes and goes, but when it comes anew after the New Year, it may remain), the bitter pill to swallow for not being prepared for such things is as nasty as the cold itself.

Grim reading but it’s all due to manmade climate change of course and we just don’t understand as well as the warming skypixie worshippers scientists do.



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