Yet another example of the Police punishing the innocent.

by | Dec 18, 2010 | Ban It, civil liberties, Just plain weird, Please fuck off., Politics, Strange Thoughts, UK Misery, Well I never.

One from The Telegraph this morning which leaves a lot more questions than it gives answers (emphasis mine) :

Edward Tibbs, 62, had been aiming at a fox which he had pursued outside on his mobility scooter.

However, he found himself arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after two men who had ventured on to his land turned up in hospital with gunshot wounds.

The farmer says he had no idea he had injured the men until 16 armed police stormed his home in Crays Hill, Essex, later that day.

Mr Tibbs, who suffers from multiple sclerosis and neuralgia, told detectives he had been awoken by the sound of geese and, after going outside on his mobility scooter, had shot three times into the dark, believing he was firing at a fox.

“It was an accident as far as I am concerned. I was out shooting that night on my land and apparently two people got shot there,” he said.

“I didn’t know anyone had been hit. If I did, I would have called the police. Apparently they went to hospital and police were called and they said where it happened. It happened at 4am, but the first I knew about it was when the police came.”

The two men, aged 27 and 30, arrived at accident and emergency with gunshot wounds to their legs and backs.

Police later discovered that a cannabis factory had been set up in a rented outbuilding on Mr Tibbs’s farm and it was thought that the two men were attempting to burgle it when they were shot.

Mr Tibbs, who said he had no knowledge of the cannabis plants, was later released without charge.

The injured men, from Basildon, were arrested on suspicion of possessing a firearm but were also released without charge. Two women who were arrested in connection with the discovery of 50 cannabis plants were also freed after questioning.

So we have the following :

  • Two people buggering about in the middle of the night around a farm get hit with shot but are not prosecuted for anything even though there must have been some evidence as they were arrested on “suspicion of possessing a firearm”. I can’t quite work out how you are suspected of possessing a firearm though – maybe one of them had a bulge in his trousers and the police thought he had a gun in his pocket?
  • Two women are arrested in connection with the cannabis plants – I assume they rented the outbuildings from the farmer – but are also released without charge. Probably too much paperwork or detective work needed to make a case so they got them out of the way.
  • An old guy with restricted mobility on a huge farm gets arrested by armed police in one of their showoff operations including marksmen and helicopters. He is also released without any charge.

Or at least any formal charge – the Police get their kick in anyway which is mentioned as almost an aside at the end of the article :

Mr Tibbs complained that police had revoked his two shotgun licences following the incident. But an Essex Police spokesman said Mr Tibbs was “unfit to be entrusted with a firearm and may present a danger to public safety and peace”.

What kind of weasel worded shite is that?

The Police make a complete balls up of the whole thing and let all the suspects go free whilst punishing the person who was on his own land with a legally held weapon. Any action that required some actual police work is thrown out of the window but they persist in being mean spirited useless authoritarian shits by disarming the innocent party – all because they can!