Another scientist promoting interference and nannying.

by | Jan 10, 2011 | Ban It, civil liberties, Health, Just plain weird, Please fuck off., Politics, Righteous Wankers, Strange Thoughts, UK Misery, Well I never.

Tucked away in this article about the supposed dangers of sitting down and watching a TV or computer screen is this little snippet (emphasis mine):

The scientists called for recreational guidelines to be issued because a majority of working age adults spend long periods being inactive while commuting or being slouched over a desk or computer.

Dr Stamatakis said: “It is all a matter of habit. Many of us have learned to go back home, turn the TV set on and sit down for several hours it’s convenient and easy to do.

“But doing so is bad for the heart and our health in general.

“And according to what we know so far, these health risks may not be mitigated by exercise, a finding that underscores the urgent need for public health recommendations to include guidelines for limiting recreational sitting and other sedentary behaviours, in addition to improving physical activity.

Of course, it’s nothing new for scientists and medics to start pontificating on how others should live their lives especially in the realms of alcohol and smoking research.

In this case however, it must be something of a new low to have the phrase “limiting recreational sitting” along with the usual call for “something must be done”.

It would be interesting to find out exactly what these people suggest we do after wearing ourselves each day trying to make a living when we have to give 60% of our income over to the state for them to piss up the wall.

Indeed, these people would just love 1984 style telescreens installed so our habits could be monitored and controlled whilst broadcasting health messages and obligatory community exercise courses.

Maybe that is what The Big Society guff is actually all about after all?