Video – Journalists in Libya rolling about on the floor and committing crimes against fashion.

by | Mar 9, 2011 | elf n safety, Laugh? I pissed myself, Politics, Sloppy Reporting, Strange Thoughts, Wasp likes these, Well I never.

Whilst I admit that actually being there would not be the best idea in the world, what on earth did the journalists in the following Reuters video think would happen if they stood around in large groups getting some easy pictures of rebels photogenically firing anti-aircraft guns at fighter-bombers?

Pay attention to a collective act of rolling about on the floor – think ostrich with head in sand for effectiveness against bombs.

There is also a rather large guy in a strange combination of blazer, bullet proof vest, sunglasses, brown trousers and what appears to be a keffiyeh around his neck running away whilst being photographed by one of his colleagues.

I assume his colleagues will either be taking the piss later or sending the shots to Gok Wan for some much needed style advice.

PS – If anyone want to buy the rights to the idea for “How to look good naked in a warzone” then do get in touch.