Saving us from embarrassment.

by | Apr 16, 2011 | Ban It, Bizarre News, civil liberties, Please fuck off., Righteous Wankers, UK Misery, Well I never.

Reading the headline that caffeine and alcohol are more dangerous when mixed I was expecting some horror story from the righteous but this really takes the biscuit :

Researchers found that while physical and mental impairment were no different with the combination, the feeling of intoxication was higher.

This heady mix could lead to greater risk taking and more chance of causing injury or embarrassment.

They have obviously run out of shrouds to wave if that is all they can suggest as a reason for not drinking a vodka and Red Bull. No doom mongering health risks, just you may end up acting liek an even bigger tit than you would have done anyway.

I wonder how much we paid for that study?