Helpful medics – you must not worry when having a heart attack.

by | Jun 3, 2011 | Health, Just plain weird, Laugh? I pissed myself, Wasp likes these, Well I never.

If feeling like you have a piano sitting on your chest is not bad enough, helpful medics now warn against worrying about dying at the same time :

People with an intense fear of dying during a heart attack could suffer a worse outcome, research suggests.

London-led researchers asked 208 patients to rate their levels of fear following a severe cardiac event.

People who reported they were most distressed during an attack had higher levels of chemical markers – linked to inflammation – in their blood.

Writing in the European Heart Journal, the authors say heightened inflammation may lead to poorer long-term health.

Which is not really helpful advice as people will now be worried about worrying about dying whilst having their cardiac event. I wonder how much worse the outcome would be in the event of double worrying in these cases?

Interestingly, the first website I visited to look at heart attack symptoms before scribbling here was about as useful as tits on a bull :

Women may have all, none, many or a few of the typical heart attack symptoms.

I think that covers just about every conceivable eventuality and is worse than useless for anyone wanting advice on symptoms.