Russia’s view of Nato.

by | Apr 24, 2010 | Ban It, Just plain weird | 1 comment

From Pravda (the Russian one not the BBC) we have an insight into both Russia’s view of the world as well as some blatant re-writing of history which even The Labour party would be proud of :

NATO´s meeting this Thursday in the Estonian capital city, Tallinn, was a group hug among the twenty-eight member states desperate to find a reason to exist, other than providing a gentleman’s club and a marketplace for the weapons lobbies. After lying to Russia about expansion, NATO continues to look for more buyers as it controls the foreign policies of its members.

NATO was formed to provide a collective security organization against the perceived threat of a Soviet Union which would engulf Europe and the world (despite the fact that NATO’s arsenal has become increasingly offensive and the Soviet Union’s weapons systems were principally defensive).

Note – “lying”, “group hug”, “gentleman’s club” and “weapons lobbies”.

Not content with that little bit we then get :

While the USSR is proud of its legacy in fighting and defeating Hitler’s horrific policies and in halting the expansion of Fascism (ninety percent of Wehrmacht casualties in the Second World War were killed on the Eastern Front), what NATO did was to cobble together a cabal of old friends and former foes, building an alliance supposedly around the need to end once and for all the Franco-German confrontation but really serving as a vehicle to confirm the foot of Washington firmly on the throats of its new European friends.

The very last bit does actually have a ring of truth to it I think.

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