Disturbing thoughts about the German Chancellor.

by | May 12, 2010 | Laugh? I pissed myself, Wasp likes these, Well I never.

Anna Raccoon has a great post about our outgoing chancellor and his last Labour giveaway of our money – £25 billion of it to be precise.

The following section though has given me strange thoughts and I may have to go and take a cold shower before I can’t stop thinking of over plumped pillows at the Opera (image below if the reference is too obscure for you) :

I don’t altogether blame Ali of course; those French accents with that way of saying ‘darling’ can turn a man’s head and the thought of Frau Merkel in a leather bustier and thigh length boots – and a hat, gotta have a hat. Peaked of course – goose stepping round his bed occupied his darkest fantasies (have you got the mental image yet? Will you ever forgive me?). Anyway sod it! It ain’t my money; the Tories will get the blame. So he blew the lot. Ah well c’est la vie.

Ist das eine waffe in der tasche oder du bist einfach freut mich zu sehen?