The Righteous are still here.

by | May 12, 2010 | Ban It, Just plain weird, Please fuck off., UK Misery

Dick Puddlecote is still not happy :

Right Cameron, Clegg. You’ve been talking about new politics, yeah? How about knocking this shit on the head?

You want cuts? How about starting by sacking every mendacious, anti-social, righteous, state-funded fucknut – like Catriona Morton – out there? We’ll believe your ‘new kind of politics’ if you start protecting your electorate from the tired old system of self-serving vested interests and puritannical headcases.

After all, how better to conclusively prove to us that your administration is about “freedom, fairness and responsibility”, eh?

The post itself is about yet more lies being told in the cause of stopping people living their own lives and enjoying alcohol. Well worth reading.