Gulf oil spill in pictures

by | Jun 19, 2010 | Environment, Politics, Well I never. | 1 comment

Spotted over at ZeroHedge, USA Today has an interesting interactive Oil Spill map (snapshot below – click to visit) showing the spread and extent of the spill from its start in April to this week :

The first image below from the same post is a high resolution satellite photograph of the spill area (click to go to MODIS for the full size image in all it’s glory). The second image is a grab I made from the full image showing a sheen of oil covering a huge area of sea.

Judging by the size of that oil slick and the impending hurricane season being forecast as a busy one there will be a hell of a lot of oil getting deposited inland which undoubtedly add a few billion of dollars to BP’s cleanup costs.

1 Comment

  1. Drifter

    Despite the danger growing every minute and the environment being damaged with every barrel of leaking crude, we Americans are still arguing whether the IRANIANs are experts or not.

    Lets stop being skeptical about others abilities just because we have failed. failed our nation, our environment and our marine life.

    The world knows that the Iranians are experts in drilling and oil leak prevention and containment. Even the oil producing nations would bet for their skills in this crisis. It is us who are full of doubts. and the only reason for this is Israel. We see everyone who is Israel’s adversary as our enemy. Anyone who talks anti-Zionist becomes our hate symbol. Lets get out of this Zionist mindset and this Iranophobia. It is our nation and its environment at stake today.

    We need to rise above our political difference, they can be settled sometime else.

    Lets call for the IRANIANs now before its too late to do anything better