Riots in Greece – more like a warzone.

by | Dec 15, 2010 | civil liberties, Economic Intrigue, Just plain weird, Politics, Strange Thoughts, UK Misery, Well I never. | 2 comments

After the bit of flag burning and a few petrol bombs of early Summer, the latest Greek strike has turned into a full on riot which, from the video, is more remeniscient of a warzone.

The last segment of the video below shows one of the opposition MPs being beaten in the street. Whilst looking bloodied and dazed I would imagine he would have received a lot worse if it wasn’t for his security.

With most of Europe embarking on fiscal austerity, how long before these scenes are played out on the wider continent?


  1. Bucko

    Yeah, they have gone at it with a bit more vigour than our spoiled teens.
    If this keeps up there may well be MPs hanging from lamp posts soon.
    Trouble is, its the lefty scroungers who are rioting to keep the free money flowing that are the ones who deserve to be swinging. The MPs deserve it too but the last thing we want is communist stlye revolutions in Europe.

    • Wasp

      It’s getting tedious listening to any news these days, especially so on the BBC, as every story has an endless line of shroud waving special interest fuckers arguing for their share of the piss pot without acknowledging that its someone elses money.

      As for communism – I imagine that the EU with its back against the wall would turn decidedly fascist if their pet United States of Europe strategy was threatened by the proles. Remember that the Lisbon Treaty includes the death penalty –

      “in a footnote, because with the European Union reform treaty, we accept also the European Union Charter, which says that there is no death penalty, and then it has a footnote, which says, “except in the case of war, riots, upheaval”—then the death penalty is possible. ”

      They already have the option and I am sure the Belgian non-entity would be fully prepared to use whatever it takes to keep his place at the top trough.


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