DiHydrogen Monoxide – The Invisible Killer

by | Dec 27, 2010 | Ban It, Environment, Health, Just plain weird, Politics, Righteous Wankers, Strange Thoughts, UK Misery, Wasp likes these, Well I never.

Having read a little at the DiHydrogen Monoxide Research Division this evening, I am amazed that this stuff hasn’t been banned yet as it causes more deaths than all the other favourites of the bansturbators put together.

A little from the site :


Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year.

What are the dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide?

Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.

Dihydrogen Monoxide Facts

Dihydrogen monoxide:

  • is also known as hydric acid, and is the major component of acid rain.
  • contributes to the Greenhouse Effect.
  • may cause severe burns.
  • contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
  • accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
  • may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.
  • has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

Nasty stuff indeed.

Whilst the website gives mainly US related facts, 195 people in the UK died from DiHydrogen Monoxide inhalation last year and, to put that into perspective, there were 648 recorded murders in the UK in the same period.

With that many deaths from inhalation alone, I am surprised there has been nothing said by the government or charity action groups on this evil stuff.

In the US, DiHydrogen Monoxide has even been linked to every single act of school violence :

What is the link between Dihydrogen Monoxide and school violence?

A recent stunning revelation is that in every single instance of violence in our country’s schools, including infamous shootings in high schools in Denver and Arkansas, Dihydrogen Monoxide was involved. In fact, DHMO is often very available to students of all ages within the assumed safe confines of school buildings. None of the school administrators with which we spoke could say for certain how much of the substance is in use within their very hallways.

It’s use by big business is so vast that we cannot even avoid using it if we wanted to  :

What you may find surprising are some of the products and places where DHMO is used, but which for one reason or another, are not normally made part of public presentations on the dangers to the lives of our family members and friends. Among these startling uses are:

  • as an additive to food products, including jarred baby food and baby formula, and even in many soups, carbonated beverages and supposedly “all-natural” fruit juices
  • in cough medicines and other liquid pharmaceuticals,
  • in spray-on oven cleaners,
  • in shampoos, shaving creams, deodorants and numerous other bathroom products,
  • in bathtub bubble products marketed to children,
  • as a preservative in grocery store fresh produce sections,
  • in the production of beer by all the major beer distributors,
  • in the coffee available at major coffee houses in the US and abroad.

One of the most surprising facts recently revealed about Dihydrogen Monoxide contamination is in its use as a food and produce “decontaminant.” Studies have shown that even after careful washing, food and produce that has been contaminated by DHMO remains tainted by DHMO.

So we can’t even wash the damned stuff off and it’s in just about everything we eat and use at home. To me this is much like mass government sponsored medication of the entire population and we have absolutely no say in it.

Time to write to the old MP I think and ask what the hell they are doing allowing this evil stuff to be used without regulation.


Yes I know exactly what this stuff is but it is amazing how many gullible people are around.
Have a look here at the DHMO.org press kit (User is press and Password is press)
for the background and actual purpose of the site.