I came across a neat little online app called Tagxedo this evening which creates the tag cloud style images from either web pages or text documents.

Being somewhat bored, I decided to have a go at tag clouding a few articles from The BBC website just to see what condensed bansturbation actually looks like in pictorial form.

I chose salt, alcohol, smoking and paedophile as search words at the BBC website and randomly selected 5 articles worth of text from each category to feed into Tagxedo.

The results demonstrate quite nicely how you can write your own BBC scare story using a few choice words :

Salt :

Alcohol :

Smoking :

Paedophile :

It is interesting to note from those images that the word children features quite prominently in all the articles.

Anyway, moving on, here are how some well known bloggers pages appear at the time of writing in tag cloud form.

Longrider :

Fuel Injected Moose :

Obnoxio the Clown (I think you could have guessed the blog just by looking at the cloud) :

1 Comment

  1. Bucko

    Hmmm. Interesting. I would have guessed Obo’s 😉