The Sexbots are … erm … coming.

by | Jan 15, 2011 | Health, Just plain weird, Wasp likes these, Well I never. | 2 comments

One from the bizarre files seen at h+ magazine which predicts that 2011 will see the arrival of the worlds first sexbots :

Remember the most convulsive, brain-ripping climax you ever had? The one that left you with “I could die happy now” satiety? Sexbots will electrocute our flesh with climaxes twice as gigantic because they’ll be more desirable, patient, eager, and altruistic than their meat-bag competition, plus they’ll be uploaded with supreme sex-skills from millennia of erotic manuals, archives and academic experiments, and their anatomy will feature sexplosive devices. Sexbots will heighten our ecstasy until we have frothy, shrieking, bug-eyed, amnesia-inducing orgasms.

When will they get here? Henrik Christensen, founder of the European Robotics Research Network, predicts we’ll be boinkin’ ‘bots by 2011. Dr. David Levy, author of the recent book, Love and Sex with Robots, believes by 2050 these robots will be nearly indistinguishable from humans.

The rest of the article is an amusing read although most definitely not safe for work.

And, if you are wondering why anybody would actually want a sex bot :

Sexbots will never have headaches, fatigue, impotence, premature ejaculation, pubic lice, disinterest, menstrual blood, jock strap itch, yeast infections, genital warts, AIDS/HIV, herpes, silly expectations, or inhibiting phobias. Sexbots will never stalk us, rape us, diss us on their blog, weep when we dump them, or tell their friends we were boring in bed. Sexbots will always climax when we climax if we press that little button on their butt.

That little lot should just about cover it.

I predict that the NHS will be funding these sometime in 2015 as they seem quite happy to piss our money up the wall on a whole host of “treatments” such nose jobs, gender reassignment and fertility treatment.

Yes, I firmly believe that the latter is definitely not something that my taxes should be funding – if the oven is buggered then pay for its repair out of your own pocket.


  1. Woman on a Raft

    “or tell their friends we were boring in bed.”

    Given that they will be networked I wouldn’t count on it. Since their data will be discoverable by the police on ‘public protection’ grounds and they are bound to be ‘registering your preferrences in order to give you a tailored experience’ it will be like Tesco clubcard with added excruciating embarrassment and potential for criminal conviction from retrospectively-active law.

    I wouldn’t touch it with yours.

    • Wasp

      Hmm… well that has buggered (if you will pardon the expression) my idea to produce robotic sheep hasn’t it.

      Spookily, the advert with sheep for The appeared on the TV just as I was typing that.

      Now, where did I put my wellies?