Cartoon Interlude – UK arming both sides in Libya.

by | Jun 10, 2011 | Cartoon Interlude, Laugh? I pissed myself, Politics, UK Misery, Wasp likes these, Well I never. | 2 comments

Having spent years selling arms to Libya and now looking to activly arm the rebels, this Russia Today cartoon captures the double standards of UK international politics perfectly :
Cartoons — Britain armed Gaddafi, now have designs on rebels


  1. Bucko

    I love the way Russia Today casually reports the stuff that the British MSM don’t want us to be thinking about.

    • Wasp

      Bucko – me too – they get straight to the point and do not beat around the bush. It’s damned refreshing to read and see their stuff when compared to the baby food journalism we have here (mashed up, puréed simplistic shite designed to neither frighten the horses nor upset the applecart).