An amusing video which is pure porn but without the sex – PG Porn if you will.

Pay attention to the very last line of dialog though for coffee regurgitating amusement :


H/T - Rain


  1. Max Farquar

    ” … once stumbled upon by accident”
    Yeah right! Mind you, having said that, I’ve had that happen to me from time to time. Usually due to a mistype. Probably. Yes, that’s it. Definitely 😉

    • Wasp

      max – I am not entirely sure what mistyping you managed to stumble across that kind of thing – maybe it was one handed typing that let you down 🙂

  2. microdave

    Sasha Grey with her clothes on???? – That’s something you don’t see every day!

    A certain forum (that I once stumbled upon by accident), has more threads about her than ANY other “performer”…

    • Wasp

      microdave – I am not sure whether to be impressed or worried by your knowledge in this area 😛