Comedy Interlude – Jim Jeffries

by | Aug 14, 2011 | Laugh? I pissed myself, Politics, Righteous Wankers, Wasp likes these | 7 comments

Highly amusing and listen for the audience reaction when he says muslims.

As one commenter at Youtube says :

“muslims…” **dead silence**



  1. microdave

    I’ve not heard of him either. I think some more trawling of YouTube beckons…

    • Wasp

      microdave – I can thoroughly recommend watching after spending half of last night pissing myself laughing.

  2. karl hawksworth

    Brilliant – Thanks .

    • Wasp

      karl – you are welcome – hope you enjoyed it as much as I did 🙂

  3. JuliaM

    I have never seen him before, but I like the cut of his jib!

    • Wasp

      Julia – me neither – I was sent a link by one of my Estonian friends and have spent half the evening laughing like a loon 🙂

      • karl hawksworth

        Sounds about right.