Cartoon Interlude – speeding grannies, a Gordon Ramsey recipe, US aircraft carriers and very disturbing celery …

by | Nov 1, 2011 | Bizarre News, Cartoon Interlude, Just plain weird, Laugh? I pissed myself, Pictorial Interlude, Raccoon likes these, Strange Thoughts, Wasp likes these, Well I never. | 4 comments

A few titter inducing items spotted over the weekend :


I am sure there is a specific term for that bedroom passtime but I am certainly not going to search for it.


  1. microdave

    “But I am also out of mind bleach”

    Best you visit Max Farquar’s other project.

    As to who supplied many of those pictures – I couldn’t possibly comment…

    • Wasp

      microdave – and I was so distracted by the young lady behind the bar over at the link that I completely forgot to mention it 🙂

  2. microdave

    “but I am certainly not going to search for it.”

    Can’t be arsed to search for it, more like…

    • Wasp

      microdave – partially true but I am also out of mind bleach and cream for bleeding eyes and I don’t think I can face any celery related graphic content without those or a stiff one (whisky that is!!).