Timo Soini is going to be a real thorn in the side of the EUSSR.

by | May 9, 2011 | Economic Intrigue, Just plain weird, Politics, UK Misery, Wasp likes these, Well I never. | 4 comments

Timo Soini (pictured), new leader of The True Finn Party, seems to be living up to all expectations by saying the things that Brussels would prefer to keep hidden.

From no less than The Wall Street Journal – an opening snippet (emphasis mine) :

When I had the honor of leading the True Finn Party to electoral victory in April, we made a solemn promise to oppose the so-called bailouts of euro-zone member states. These bailouts are patently bad for Europe, bad for Finland and bad for the countries that have been forced to accept them. Europe is suffering from the economic gangrene of insolvency—both public and private. And unless we amputate that which cannot be saved, we risk poisoning the whole body.

The official wisdom is that Greece, Ireland and Portugal have been hit by a liquidity crisis, so they needed a momentary infusion of capital, after which everything would return to normal. But this official version is a lie, one that takes the ordinary people of Europe for idiots. They deserve better from politics and their leaders.

To understand the real nature and purpose of the bailouts, we first have to understand who really benefits from them. Let’s follow the money.

At the risk of being accused of populism, we’ll begin with the obvious: It is not the little guy that benefits. He is being milked and lied to in order to keep the insolvent system running. He is paid less and taxed more to provide the money needed to keep this Ponzi scheme going. Meanwhile, a kind of deadly symbiosis has developed between politicians and banks: Our political leaders borrow ever more money to pay off the banks, which return the favor by lending ever-more money back to our governments, keeping the scheme afloat.

Now, why can’t we have politicians like that here in the UK?

Certainly worth reading the whole thing.


  1. Paul

    We just have to hope that sensible people in the other countries of the EU with a large pro-national vote (Netherlands; Denmark; Finland) will vote in such a way that they simply can’t be ignored.

    If they are the government, how can they be ignored?

    • Wasp

      Paul – That would certainly work yes – I would hang my hat on Finland in the next elections if anywhere assuming the “don’t vote for fascism” card isn’t played by the powers that be when they see trouble coming.

  2. Paul

    Are you sure about this? The main political parties in FInland seem to have sidelined Timo and his merry gang in order to force the bailout through, probably in much the same way as the Dutch establishment has sidelined the PVV.

    • Wasp

      Paul – well I am not surprised at the sidelining as it is very much how the EU works when someone comes along threatening to upset the happy club. What I found interesting here though is that he gets to speak his mind in a major newspaper, albeit on the other side of the Atlantic and safely away from rocking the mainland EU boat. I doubt we will get to see his viewpoint anywhere in the media here but if a few people at least get to read what they would otherwise be oblivious to then all the better in my opinion especially when the main EU “news” here is whether 10 Downing Street will fly the EU flag or not – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-13321460


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