He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future”.

I wrote yesterday about a letter in the Wall Street Journal from Timo Soini, leader of The True Finn party, who was rather scathing about the bankrupt European system :

Timo Soini (pictured), new leader of The True Finn Party, seems to be living up to all expectations by saying the things that Brussels would prefer to keep hidden.

Amazingly, that very same letter has now been heavily edited on the WSJ website leaving me wondering exactly who applied pressure to change the tone of the whole thing.

The image below is a mark up of the original letter showing the deletions and additions (from ZeroHedge) :

As ZeroHedge says :

It is high time that the WSJ readers demand to know whether this unprecedented scrubbing was due to an editorial intervention, or if Soini himself was responsible for this blatant revisionism. If the latter is indeed the case, perhaps supporters of the True Finn party in Finland should inquire who it was that forced their leader to adjusted his letter in such a way.

I wonder if the truth will ever come to light?


    • Wasp

      Trooper Thompson – thank you kind Sir.